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盤式剎車片 P04

型號: YF3502DR01-040
產地: 江蘇省淮安市
類型: 盤式制動器
品牌: YIHUA 恒盛
尺寸: 248*109*30

·915#, Aramid pulp fibers (From Du Pont USA) compounding copper fibers with top quality resin which imported from Germany. It is an innovative material in this the high-tech area. Normally used for OE markets. 芳綸纖維復合碳纖維高耐磨剎車片(紫銅粉)紅色。

·961#, Ceramic fibers compounding with carbon fibers syncretized with high refractoriness resin. 芳綸復合碳纖維半金屬剎車片(柔性鋼棉)
·41#, Aramid pulp fibers compounding with semi-metallic fibers. 芳綸纖維半金屬型高耐磨剎車片
·33#, 新型耐磨剎車片